CCPA Notice

Updated: April 30, 2021

This California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA") notice supplements Telerivet's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

In the context of the CCPA, the following terms have a specific meaning:

  • A consumer, for purposes of the CCPA, is a natural person who is a California resident.
  • Personal information means information that identifies, relates to, describes, or could reasonably be linked with a particular consumer or household.
  • A business is an entity that collects consumers' personal information (or on the behalf of which that information is collected) and that determines the purposes and means of the processing of consumers' personal information.
  • A service provider is an entity that processes information on behalf of a business and to which the business discloses a consumer's personal information for a business purpose pursuant to a written contract, provided that the contract prohibits the entity receiving the information from retaining, using, or disclosing the personal information for any purpose other than for the specific purpose of performing the services specified in the contract for the business.

The CCPA creates rights and protections for California consumers, including:

  • The right to request that a business that collects a consumer's personal information disclose to that consumer the categories and specific pieces of personal information the business has collected.
  • The right to request that a business delete any personal information about the consumer which the business has collected from the consumer.
  • The right to know what personal information is sold or shared and to whom.
  • The right to receive equal service even if they exercise their personal information rights under the CCPA.
How Telerivet Relates to the CCPA

For users of the Telerivet Service who are California consumers, Telerivet acts as a business in relation to their personal information, such as the name, email address, and phone number associated with their user account. Telerivet's Privacy Policy lists the categories of personal information that Telerivet collects about users, and to whom Telerivet may disclose information that we collect.

In addition, Telerivet users may store personal information about California consumers on the Telerivet Service ("User Provided Information"). This would occur if a Telerivet user saves contacts with personal information about California consumers such as a name, phone number, or other identifier. In this case, Telerivet acts as a service provider in relation to this personal information, and the Telerivet user acts as a business in relation to this personal information. Telerivet's Privacy Policy also explains how Telerivet processes User Provided Information.

Telerivet discloses personal information about California consumers to various service providers. Telerivet only discloses personal information to service providers for a specified business purpose pursuant to a written contract that prohibits the service provider from retaining, using, or disclosing the personal information for any purpose other than for the specific purpose of performing the services specified in the contract. Anyone Telerivet authorizes to process personal information protects the personal information consistent with our obligations. The Third-Party Data Processors page lists all service providers, the information disclosed to each provider, and the business purpose for processing data. (Although Telerivet uses the term "Third-Party" to describe these data processors, these data processors are all "service providers" and not "third parties" as defined by the CCPA.)

Telerivet does not sell, rent, or otherwise disclose any personal information about California consumers for money or anything else of value, regardless of whether Telerivet is acting as a business or service provider in relation to that personal information.

How to Exercise Your CCPA Rights

If you are a California consumer who is a Telerivet user, you may request all specific personal information Telerivet has about you by logging in to your Telerivet account and submitting a support request at that states that you are a California consumer and states the type of information you are requesting. Telerivet is not required to provide personal information to a consumer more than twice in a 12-month period.

If you are a California consumer who is a Telerivet user, you may request deletion of all personal information Telerivet has about you by logging in to your Telerivet account and submitting a support request at requesting that your user account be deleted. You may also send a deletion request via email to from the email address registered for your Telerivet account.

Telerivet will not discriminate against California consumers for exercising their rights under the CCPA.

User Responsibilities When Storing Personal Information about California Consumers

If you are a Telerivet user who stores personal information about California consumers, it is your responsibility to ensure that you comply with the requirements of the CCPA in your use of Telerivet's services. To learn more about your responsibilies under the CCPA, visit the official CCPA website.

If you store personal information about California consumers on the Telerivet Service, you are responsible for responding to requests from California consumers in order to comply with your obligations under the CCPA. Telerivet provides self-service features including the ability to delete and retrieve User Provided Information, which you may use to comply with your obligations under the CCPA. Telerivet has Data Privacy Compliance Tutorials that may be helpful to you. Telerivet will provide reasonable assistance regarding your efforts to comply with your obligations with respect to consumer requests under the CCPA. However, you are ultimately responsible for your compliance with the CCPA with respect to User Provided Information.

Should Telerivet receive any request, complaint, or other communication from a consumer, contact, regulatory authority, or third party in connection with Telerivet's processing of your User Provided Information, we will inform you and provide details, as permitted by law. Except where Telerivet is legally required to do so, Telerivet will not respond to any such complaint, request, or inquiry without your prior consent except to confirm that the request relates to you.


Telerivet's security protections are discussed in the Privacy Policy. We have always been and will continue to be vigilant regarding the security of the data stored on the Telerivet Service.

You are responsible for reviewing the information that Telerivet provides regarding security, and making your decision whether Telerivet meets your requirements and legal obligations. You are also responsible for properly configuring the services we provide to you and using available features and functionalities to maintain appropriate security in light of the nature of the data you are processing.

If a security breach occurs that involves your Telerivet data, we will notify you through your account email address, unless prohibited or restricted by law, regulation, or a governmental entity. We will make reasonable efforts to identify and fix any security issue that may arise. We will reasonably assist you if you are legally required to inform any entity or anyone of a security incident.

Updates to this Notice

Telerivet reserves the right to update this notice from time to time. Please visit this page periodically so that you will be apprised of any changes. When we change the policy in a material manner, we will update the "Updated" date at the top of this page.

We may provide you additional forms of notice of modifications or updates as deemed appropriate in our sole discretion or as required by law. Your continued use of the Service after any modification to the CCPA Notice will constitute your acceptance of such modification.

Additional Information

If you have any requests, questions, suggestions, complaints, or concerns regarding the CCPA in relation to Telerivet, or need to reach us for any other reason, you may contact us by e-mail at

To contact Telerivet's Data Protection Officer, email